Get a cost estimate online

Trying to decide about buying service? The purchase cost estimator can help.

Get an estimate and apply to buy service

Sign in to My Account and use the purchase cost estimator to find out your cost to buy service.

  1. In My Account, click Estimates > Purchase Cost Estimator
  2. Follow the steps to complete the form
  3. Use your estimate to help with decision making or consult with a financial adviser


Most members who are eligible to buy service can use the purchase cost estimator to get an estimate. In a small number of cases, the online estimator will not provide you with accurate results. The estimator does not provide a cost estimate for past service purchases.

If you choose to make continuous contributions for your Employment Standards Act (ESA) leave, you will not be able to use the purchase cost estimator to estimate your monthly payments. See Buying service for a leave for more information about continuous contributions.

If you are currently on a leave of absence and not making continuous contributions, you must wait until you have returned to work to buy service.

Required information
  • The type of service you want to buy
  • The start and end dates of your gap in service


Your employer can help you find this information.

Related content for getting a cost estimate

Buying service for a leave

External link to employment standards

Government of B.C. Employment Standards