Letters and submissions

In some circumstances, the board will provide letters and other submissions to advocate for public policies and regulations that support sound pension-related governance and long-term sustainable investment returns.

Read letters and submissions from BC's Municipal Pension Board of Trustees

Investor Statement in Support of Climate Action 100+
Posted: July 25, 2024

BC Municipal Pension Plan signs onto PRI's statement call for global International Sustainability Standards Board's adoption (external link)
Posted: May 27, 2024

Submission to BC Financial Services Authority (BCFSA) 2023 consultation on natural catastrophe and climate-related risks
Posted: December 7, 2023

BC Municipal Pension Plan declares support for the adoption or use of the International Sustainability Standards Board's climate-related reporting at a global level (external link)
Posted: December 7, 2023

Joint submission to Canadian Association of Pension Supervisory Authorities (CAPSA) 2023 consultation on consolidated risk management guideline
Posted: November 11, 2023

Joint submission to Canadian Association of Pension Supervisory Authorities regarding 2022 consultation on risk management guidelines
Posted: November 11, 2023

Canadian Investor Statement on Climate Change (external link)
Posted: October 25, 2021

BC Municipal Pension Plan joins other investors as signatories to the Investor Agenda's 2021 Global Investor Statement to Governments on the Climate Crisis (external link)
Posted: June 10, 2021

BC Municipal Pension Plan and BCI join other major investors demanding ambitious methane regulations in the U.S. (external link)
Posted: June 10, 2021

Submission to BC Dental Association re: Dental Fee Schedule for Seniors
Posted: April 20, 2020

Submission to IOPS re: Supervisory Guidelines on the Integration of ESG Factors in the Investment and Risk Management of Pension Funds
Posted: January 27, 2020

Submission to BC Policy Branch re: BC solvency funding framework review
Posted: February 6, 2019

Submission to PSAB re: Employment benefits non-traditional pension plans
Posted: February 6, 2019

Follow-up letter to Actuarial Standards Board re: Amendments to section 3500 of the practice-specific standards for pension plans
Posted: February 6, 2019

Letter to Actuarial Standards Board re: Amendments to section 3500 of the practice-specific standards for pension plans
Posted: December 18, 2017

Climate Action 100+ Global investors driving business transition (external link)
Posted: December 18, 2017

Letter to CFA Society re: content in the CFA program and continuous education program
Posted: August 14, 2017

Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) statement on ESG in credit ratings – 2016
Posted: August 14, 2017

Global statement on investor obligations and duties
Posted: August 14, 2017

Letter to Health Canada re: patented medicines regulation consultation
Posted: July 26, 2017

Letter from Global Investors to Governments of the G7 and G20 Nations regarding climate action
Posted: July 17, 2017