Who you can name as a beneficiary

Learn who you can name as a beneficiary to receive your pension benefit when you die.

Name a trustee for your beneficiary

You can name a trustee to manage and distribute your pension benefit to your beneficiaries, who can include minors (those under age 19) or those incapable of managing their financial affairs.

If you die, and your minor child or another dependent beneficiary(ies) are eligible to receive your pension benefit, the named trustee will manage and distribute the benefit to them.

However, if you die and you have named a minor as a beneficiary but did not name a trustee, any pension benefit will be payable to and managed by the Public Guardian and Trustee of BC until the minor beneficiary turns 19.

If you name a trustee, the trustee nomination remains in effect even after the minor beneficiary turns 19. If you'd like them to receive their benefit directly once they've turned 19, please submit a new form.

You may also want to name a trustee to manage and distribute your pension benefit to other dependent beneficiaries, such as those with a disability where age is irrelevant.


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