How the plan’s investments are doing

The board reports annually on the plan’s fund. This section includes highlights from the last year.

The Municipal Pension Board of Trustees reports annually on the plan’s fund. This annual report includes audited financial statements.

Information reported here is current as at the plan’s year end of December 31, 2022. In 2022, we saw the highest rate of inflation in 40 years, causing central banks to raise interest rates. The market response, along with geopolitical tension and slowing economic growth, weighed down the plan’s year-end returns. These were all challenges that BCI considered when managing the plan’s portfolio throughout the year.

The Municipal Pension Plan is sustainable. The board’s long-term view ensures the security of the basic lifetime pension for every member, from long-time retirees to newly contributing active members.

To learn more, watch the 2022 financial highlights presentation from the October 2023 annual general meeting:

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Annual general meeting